220kV Muong Te substation
220kV Muong Te substation (Muong Te district, Lai Chau province) with a total investment of VND 436.68 billion is newly constructed, outdoor, with the scale of 02 220kV-250MVA transformers. For this project, PECC1 has provided consultancy services for engineering investigation , preparation of technical design, construction drawing design, bidding documents – total estimate for the package; Specialized reports preparation: Fire prevention and fighting report, Telecommunication report, SCADA report, Metering report; Environmental supervision in construction phase; Measuring and preparing dossiers for compensation and land clearance. In which, 01 220kV-250MVA transformer will be installed in this phase. The 220kV side will be installed according to the 2-busbar diagram, with full equipment for 04 220kV bays (including 01 incoming bay, 01 coupling bay, 02 bays for double-circuit transmission line). The 110kV side will be installed according to the 2-busbar diagram with ring busbar, full equipment for 12 110kV bays and reserve position for bay installation in the future.

One tower span of 220kV Muong Te – Lai Chau transmission line
220kV Muong Te - Lai Chau transmission line with a total investment of VND 344.96 billion is constructed in Muong Te and Nam Nhun districts, Lai Chau province. The project has a total length of 51.8 km, 2 circuits. The start point is 220kV Muong Te substation and the end point is 500kV Lai Chau substation. Also in this project, PECC1 has provided consultancy services for engineering investigation for technical design, construction drawing design phase, technical design – total cost estimate preparation, construction drawing design preparation, bidding documents; Environmental supervision report prepration in construction phase; Mapping and preparing dossiers for land clearance.
The grid connection of 220kV Muong Te substation and 220kV Muong Te - Lai Chau transmission line ensures the capacity release of small and medium-scaled hydropower plants in the Northwestern region to the national grid, strengthens the connection of regional power system, increases high operational safety, reliability and stability of regional and national power systems.