Participation in the ceremony was Mr.Nguyen Xuan Phuc – a Politburo member, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; Ms. Truong My Hoa – Former member of the Party Central Executive Committee, former Vice President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; Mr. Mai Tien Dung – member of the Party Central Executive Committee, Minister, Chairman of the Office of the Government; Mr. Nguyen Hoang Anh - member of the Party Central Executive Committee, Chairman of the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprise; Mr. Tran Hong Ha - member of the Party Central Executive Committee, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment: Mr. Colonel General Tran Don - member of the Party Central Executive Committee, Deputy Minister of Defence; Mr. Y Thanh Ha Nie Kdam, alternate member of the Party’s Central Committee, Party Committee of Central Enterprise.
Prime Minister had a speech at the Groundbreaking Ceremony
Attending the ceremony were leaders from Ministries, Departments including Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development, Ministry of Transport, Vietnam General Confederation of Labour; representatives of the People’s Committee of Son La, Lai Chau, etc.; representatives of Hoa Binh province were Mr. Ngo Van Tuan – Provincial Party Secretary, Mr. Bui Van Khanh – Chairman of People’s Committee; representatives from Vietnam Electricity (EVN) are Mr. Duong Quang Thanh – Chairman of the Member’s Council; Mr. Tran Dinh Nhan – General Director and representative of relevant agencies and departments.
Hoa Binh Extension Hydropower plant project (Hoa Binh HPP) is the industrial works of group A, in which the pre-Feasibility Study report has been approved by the Prime Minister. The Client of the project is EVN, and Power Project Management Board 1 was assigned to be the representative of the Client. Total investment of the project is VND 9220,83 billion, in which EVN self-arranges 30%, the other 70% comprises domestic commercial loan of VND 4000 billion arranged by Vietcombank and the foreign commercial loan without non-government guarantee of EUR 70 million by the French Development Agency (AfD). The project has installed capacity of 480MW, consists of 2 units, each has capacity of 240MW. The mean annual power generation output is about 488.3 million kWh / year. Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 1 (PECC1) is the Consultancy agency to carry out the design for project. The contractor consortium carrying out doing the main construction comprises of Truong Son Construction Corporation (Ministry of National Defence) – Construction JSC 47 – Lilama 10 JSC. After completion, Hoa Binh extension HPP with the capacity of 480MW shall increase the capacity of the whole Hoa Binh HPP to 2400MW.

Hoa Binh extension HPP is located on the right bank of dam site of the existing Hoa Binh HPP. The power house is positioned in Phuong Lam ward, the intake and inlet channel are located in Thai Binh ward, Hoa Binh city, Hoa Binh province. Hoa Binh extension HPP shall share the reservoir, dam, spillway with the existing Hoa Binh HPP. The new construction part comprises of headrace channel to intake, intake, headrace tunnel, power house. The total land area is 99.62 ha, of which 69.30 ha is the temporary land use area serving for the project construction.
After being completed and put into operation, the project shall bring benefits in: (i) Increase the capacity to generate the peak capacity to the national power system, facilitate the maximum exploitation of the annual surplus water discharge in flood season of the existing Hoa Binh HPP for power generation; (ii) Improve the frequency modulation, and stabilize the frequency of the national power system, contribute to reduce the system expense, (iii) Reduce the working intensity of the existing units, thereby prolong the equipment life, save the maintenance and repair costs.
Speaking at the Groundbreaking ceremony, the Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc affirmed that the large-scaled hydropower projects on Da river including Hoa Binh, Son La, Lai Chau are the symbols of the industrialization and modernization cause. These HPPs have played an important part in flood regulation, power generation, waterway traffic and water supply to the downstream. The Prime Minister also praised EVN’s efforts in its operation activities and its contributions to the national socio-economic developments which also contribute to enhance the national position. For expanded Hoa Binh HPP, the Prime Minister highly appreciated and praised EVN’s serious and urgent working spirit in organization of investment preparation, preparation and approval of basic design, technical design and project construction cost estimates, and construction of traffic infrastructure, etc. The Prime Minister also assigned EVN to continue the close coordination with construction contractors in the project construction management for the sake of ensuring the safety, schedule, high efficiency, and minimizing the environmental impacts.
Following the direction of the Prime Minister and the Ministries, Departments, EVN commits to organize the strict implementation and management in close cooperation with the relevant agencies and local authority. Simultaneously, EVN also requested the Contractor Consortium to concentrate the resources, human resources, and equipment to complete the package ensuring the safety, schedule, high efficiency, and meeting requirements on the environment, society during the construction time as stipulated under the Contract.
Project information: “Hoa Binh Extension Hydropower plant project”:
- Client: Vietnam Electricity;
- Representative of Client: Power Project Management Board No. 1;
- Total investment: VND 9220,83 billion.
- Design Consultant: Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 1;
- Construction Contractor for discharge gate: Consortium of Contractors including Truong Son Construction Corporation – Ministry of National Defence, Construction JSC 47, Lilama 10 JSC;
- Construction commencement: January 2021,
- Unit 1 generation: 3rd quarter 2024,
- Unit 2 generation and project completion: 4th quarter, 2024.