The project was invested for construction including main components: 500kV substation, 220kV connection transmission lines and 35kV transmission line supplying auxiliary power from local power grid constructed in Bao Thang district, Lao Cai province. This is the special graded energy project of B group which EVN is the Investor, and Power Project Management Board 1 was assigned on behalf of EVN to manage and execute the project and Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 1 (PECC1) is assigned to prepare the Feasibility Study report for construction investment, preparation of construction investigation and basic design. Previously, in this project, PECC1 participated in the investigation consultancy service for preparation of FS, EIA report and specialized report on forest.

Project perspective designed by PECC1’s Engineers.
Purpose of project construction investment:
- Release capacity of power sources in the North West and vicinity, support in power import when necessary.
- Reduce the load for the existing 500kV Son La – Hiep Hoa, Son La – Nho Quan transmission lines, ensuring power supply for the developed load demand and energy security of the National power system.
Capital sources: Using loans from domestic commercial banks and owner’s equity mobilized and allocated by EVN according to the plan. It is expected that 80% will be domestic commercial loans and 20% from owner’s equity.
Implementation schedule and investment period of the project are divided into two stages:
- Stage 1 (from 2021 to 2022): Completing the 220kV switchyard at the minimum scale to connect the existing 220kV Bao Thang - Yen Bai transmission line and the 220kV transmission lines with the same schedule invested by the National Power Transmission Corporation, completing the connection 220kV transmission lines, 35kV transmission lines and substations supplying auxiliary power from the local power grid.
- Stage 2 (expected from 2023 – 2024, synchronized with the 500kV Lao Cai - Vinh Yen transmission line): Installing two 500kV power transformers, installing equipment for 500kV switchyard, two 220kV feeders, compensator for 500kV Lao Cai - Vinh Yen transmission line and completing the Station.